Colombia – The Coffee Region (Oct 12-24, 2022)

The 3 of us took a quick trip to Colombia, netting 388 species of birds, Mountain Tapir, 20+ species of butterflies, many orchids and a few more things. Read the trip report here.

Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager at Finca La Florida
Bicolored Antpitta at Rio Blanco

Sage Grouse! (Huntington area, OR, 04/01/21)

I made the long trek last week to see Greater Sage-Grouse on an Oregon lek on more time. The central Oregon leks are mostly defunct now, but the Huntington lek is far out and the sage hasn’t burnt, so the birds are safe for one more lekking season. Never know about next year …

How did I get this close??? At the actual lek, the birds were 100yds+ away. I ran into this single displaying cock along the road, miles from the lek. This was shot out of the car. I was able to leave without bothering him.