A juvenile Greater White-fronted Goose

Just back from a multi-day trip to CA and SE OR. Del Norte Co left me speechless: Ferruginous Hawk, Tricolored Blackbird, Elegant Tern, Lapland & Chestnut-collared Longspurs, Short-eared Owl all within a short drive from Crescent City. Humboldt Co was somewhat underwhelming, but the number of shorebirds was impressive. I missed both the Cassin’s Sparrow and Worm-eating Warbler in Curry Co even though I was trying hard, but managed to get Tropical Kingbird and Clay-colored Sparrow.

This cutie Greater White-fronted Goose was sitting on the lawn of Boiler Bay mid afternoon and just didn’t want to move. It was walking around just fine later though.

This Ferruginous Hawk at the Alexandre Dairy was very antsy. He just didn’t want to have a camera pointed at it.

A fall trip to Oregon’s Wallowas (09/29-30/2012)

It’s hard not to think twice about the drive when you are planing a Wallowas trip. Well, last weekend it happened and it was well worth it. And great fun!

Spruce Grouse is always very high on the list of target birds. 2 males were at McCully Creek.

Here’s the second male.

This Sage Thrasher was along Golf Course Rd. They are rare in Wallowa Co.

A huge kinglet flock at the Fish Hatchery in Enterprise offered great possibilities for a shot …

Also at the Fish Hatchery I ran into a cluster of at least 3 White-throated Sparrows. Here only a record shot …

Three vocal flocks of Gray Partridge were along Leap Lane north of Enterprise.

I also saw several Ruffed Grouse. This one was very close to the first Spruce Grouse.


For more info on my trip, check the comments.